BC Redress Logo

Logo design by John Endo Greenaway

The BC Redress logo can be read in a number of ways. Some might see a mountain range with the moon rising above its peaks, reflected in a clear mountain lake, symbolizing the wartime home for many Japanese Canadians. Others might see two links of a chain, symbolizing unity, strength and perseverance. Still others might see people, or peoples, arms linked in friendship, symbolizing a more harmonious future.

This website has been created through funding from the National Association of Japanese Canadians.


The historical photographs seeded throughout this website are primarily drawn from the collection of the Nikkei National Museum in Burnaby, BC, as well the Vancouver Public Library historical photograph collection and the Cumberland Museum & Archives on Vancouver Island.

Present-day photography by Tosh Kitagawa and John Endo Greenaway and other sources.

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